Blog 2 - My opinions
What is your opinion about climate change?
I believe that climate change is a problem that has grown exponentially fast, due to the large amount of gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity in the last 100 years, it is a real and very serious problem and its effects are going to affect worrying levels within a few more decades, the truth is that it scares me a little because very possibly we will experience these radical changes, but we must be strong and be part of the solution and not the problem.
What is your opinion of having or buying an exotic animal?
As I mentioned in my previous blog, having them is a danger for the animal and for the one who has it for the simple reason that they are not adapted for that, period. Buying it is even worse, even if it is not exotic, animals can suffer if they are the object of purchase and even more so the acquisition of an exotic animal, which is not a pet! it is one of the most selfish and ignorant actions that a person can do, I think that most people who have bought exotic animals are taught the process by which they can have one of these animals in their home, they would not want to do it again , but if they would still continue with the same mentality, it is that they would directly believe that they are the center of the universe and for those people there is simply no solution, I have always said it and I will continue to say it, the problem is not with who sells them but with who buys them!
What is your opinion about nuclear energy?
I believe that it is really underestimated in many countries that have the potential to have several power plants that take advantage of this type of energy for use in the human population, compared to other types of energy and contrary to what people generally think since When we hear something about nuclear energy, we quickly imagine the tragedy that occurred in Chernobyl. According to the IAEA, nuclear energy is one of the safest energies with a ratio of 0.03 deaths for each unit of electricity produced compared, for example, to oil. With 18.4, for me this is the future since the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere using this method is almost zero.
what do you think about recycling?
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