Blog1 - My favorite animal

 My favorite animal is the dog, yes I know it's a bit common, but tell me

who can resist that little face?

the dog is an affectionate, strong, intrepid, intelligent and above all loyal animal, it has a great history with the human race, thousands of years helping us in our tasks, jobs,

 Rescue dogs

       Hunter dogs


       herding dogs     


      assitance dogs


      Military dogs


 Police dogs

And much more...

Its love is unconditional. If you don't believe me, ask Hachiko. dogs give us life!


However, and this is a personal opinion, despite the fact that the specific breeds of dogs for work provide great utility, sometimes they bring with them various health problems and even worse when they are modified breeds only to fulfill an aesthetic function, not I'm going to mention what they are but we already know.

Now, if you ask me what my favorite breed of dog is and even if my answer contradicts what I thought about breeds, then I will tell you that... it depends.

You didn't expect it right?

Well, the truth is that despite the fact that I have a kind of favorite animal, either because of a very close contact with them for many years, because if I had been born in a place where there are many horses, perhaps my answer would have been different, but going back On topic, when it comes to my favorite breed, the simple answer is the Bernese Mountain Dog.

It's beautiful right?

but in addition to that and just like what happens to us when we grow up, some of our tastes change, such as music, colors, hobbies and dog breeds for me, they are not an exception.

Throughout my life, my favorite dog breeds are:

Samoyed husky

Golden retriever

Labrador (especially brown <3)

Which one do you like more?

German shepherd

Swiss shepherd

but despite their beautiful appearance we have to take into account that another factor apart from the health of these animals, which endangers their integrity as living beings, is the purchase and sale of these (more the purchase than the sale), in the need to satisfy our ego of having a purebred dog, we give more space to an industry that without generalizing, many exploit females by making them bear puppies until they can't take it anymore.

If you google about this I'll tell you counting you will realize the seriousness of the matter.

Well, this case is repeated not only with dogs but also with other pets that are used for sale to the general public and even worse with exotic animals in which the treatment is even worse as their sale is illegal, only with tell you that if you wanted a probe loris brought directly from thailand to chile for example, more than one would be needed and wait even if only one arrives alive after the hard trip, the mistreatment and the deplorable conditions to satisfy the need of some egomaniac without feelings , or simply ignorant about the subject and I say ignorant because "wild" animals are that WILD.

And now that I have expressed my point of view about dogs and breeds, let's modify the question, would i buy a purebred dog?

Never, for the aforementioned and for another reason that is very important, there are too many abandoned mongrel stray dogs that deserve a home and someone who loves them.

Is it really beautiful too?

Without going further into the subject, the truth is that I like to reflect on this type of subject, especially these wonderful animals that totally deserve it.

If you read the entire post, I thank you very much and I would like to know what your favorite animal is, what breed of dog you like the most and what you think about buying pets in general.

Thanks a lot.


  1. I just love the development of this post, I wish more people could do this same analysis


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